I managed a bit more on the temples this evening…

The smaller ones had a terracotta colour added to the top.

I was going to add blood flowing down one set of stairs on the tall one but I have shelved that plan as I don’t want to spoil it.

I also did a few more leaves to go on the Lurker bases.

This is how I did the creeper. The leaves in this instance came from a small ball squashed between finger and thumb.

The one on the right is designed to go on the snake’s base.

Tonight’s work was brought to you by…

Whilst deleting photos I came across this chap.

By time I got the IPad out he had stopped cawing, it was a great photo opportunity, which I missed because I had just fastened it into my bag!

8 thoughts on “Tenochtitlan in Further Technicolor

    1. Cheers, pure chance I got the photo, I was walking through a graveyard in Aberdeen. He was making loads of noise, it would have made a great photo, but my Ipad was zipped up inside a pouch inside my zipped up bag.

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